Indian Peanut Butter
About Get, the Best Peanut Butter in India
To make the best peanut butter in India, one starts with sourcing the best peanuts. The actual creation of Get’s different flavours comes next. This is done using state-of-the-art equipment and recipes unique to Get.

Know more about Get
Our flagship brand, ‘Get’ has a long history. Get’ is from Panicle Worldwide, which has been manufacturing & providing private labelling services for other companies. Its peanut butters are relished in several countries under different labels. Get is a world-class, export-quality peanut butter brand with unique flavours.
The Get Range of Flavours
What makes Get the best Peanut Butter
Largest Peanuts
Get uses the largest and the finest peanuts, farm-fresh, responsibly sourced. Each scoop of Get embodies our commitment to quality. We are also FDA-approved.
Hand-sorted For You
Get uses peanuts that are the freshest & the finest. All flavours have the largest peanuts being used up to the extent of 95%.
Export Quality
Our export-grade peanuts are hand-sorted across all stages. In addition, it is repeated after second roasting too. As a result, you get the best of peanuts creating your favourite flavours at Get, every single time.
Unique Flavours – for the First Time !
Creamy Pineapple
The Get Creamy Pineapple is equally refreshing and rejuvenating be it on rye bread, oats or in a smoothie. If you are a fan of the citrusy-apple flavour, this is sure to get the pride of place on the kitchen shelf. It will be a great addition to your other creamy peanut butter favourites. Make no mistake about it.

Creamy Cinnamon
The cinnamon-flavoured creamy peanut butter is a sensory experience. We use the best cinnamon from Sri Lanka. A spoonful of Creamy Cinnamon in your cookie batter or your protein-shake will amaze you with the results.
Creamy Honey
Honey-flavoured peanut is another unique flavour from Get. Similarly, made using non-GMO peanuts, it does not contain any trans-fat or cholesterol. Above all, it ensures you have a world-class quality product that is healthy for you.

Benefits of Get Peanut Butters & its Nutritional Value
Get’s great health advantages and taste make it a must-have food item on one’s daily diet. In other words, it is one of the best balanced nutritious food in any meal plan. The key is to have it in moderation. The health benefits come from the source – peanuts that are from Saurashtra. Similarly, peanuts are a great source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, Vitamin B and many beneficial ingredients. Therefore, including it in the daily diet enables defend the body against many lifestyle diseases.
Some of the benefits of Peanut Butters
It is a treasure house of proteins. Above all, Get ensures that the nutritional value is kept intact by using healthy ingredients.
A great source of copper that is critical for bone health, immune functions and blood vessels. It also helps reduce risk of Osteoporosis and Heart diseases.
Good Fats in each dollop
It contains ‘Good Fats’ in each spoonful. Good unsaturated fats lowers disease risk in human bodies. For instance, it helps in managing cholesterol levels within healthy limits.
Rich in Oleic Acid
The main fat in nut butters, Oleic Acid, helps maintain good cholesterol, blood sugar as well as blood pressure. However, this also depends on physical activity levels to a large extent.
Loves the Heart
The Omega 6 helps to lower bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipo-protein). In addition, peanut butters also contain Arginine, an amino acid that is beneficial for the heart.
Packed with Vitamins
It is a great source of anti-oxidants like Manganese, Vitamin E and B Vitamins. In addition, it also helps reduce risk of cancer. Similarly, it also helps in reducing obesity risks. A regular diet involving groundnuts defends against diabetes too.

The Healthy Choice in Peanut Butters
Get peanut butter stands apart, thanks to its taste and composition. We use peanuts up to the extent of 95%. Peanut Butters is a Super Food – high in protein and healthy fats. In addition, it is also an energy booster, good for the heart & low in sugar. Similarly, it also defends against diabetes, and is a great source of dietary fibres.
Get’s product range is healthy & delicious at the same time. Above all, Get uses peanuts to the extent of 95%. Since it is high in proteins, it becomes the perfect nutrient source for all ages. Similarly, it also is a refreshing choice to add in health shakes and smoothies. In other words, make this super food a part of your diet.
Anytime Food that is Nutritious & Healthy
As the best peanut butter brand in India, Get it is also a treasure house of many essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, our peanut butters also contains many bioactive compounds. Bioactive compounds are chemicals that are found in tiny amounts in plants that benefit human health. Resveratrol and phenolic acids are two examples of bioactive compounds found in peanuts. Above all, it can be used as an accompaniment to various foods. For instance, one can increase taste and appeal in bakes with just a scoop of Get. Similarly, add a dash of freshness to breakfasts or snacks with a spoonful of nut butters.
In conclusion, make this super food a part of your daily diet. Nature has packed the perfect nutrition in groundnuts, that is now available as peanut butter. Above all, it helps in better health in spoonfuls. It’s time to live a super life.
FAQs on the best peanut butter you can Get
What are the different types of peanut butters ?
The most popular flavours of peanut butters available are creamy, original, crunchy and chocolate. In addition, there are newer flavours currently available like Pineapple, Cinnamon, Honey etc.
Can we eat peanut butter daily ?
They are great for daily consumption, but in moderate quantities. This is because it packs a lot of proteins and energy in each spoonful. For instance, 2 teaspoons are more than enough for an average individual every day.
What are the new, unique peanut butter flavours now available?
Peanut butters from Get is now available in 3 unique flavours – Pineapple, Honey & Cinnamon.
What makes Get peanut butter different from the other brands ?
Get uses the largest and finest peanuts from Saurashtra. In addition, they are also hand-sorted. All the peanut butters are of export-quality. Above all, it is the quality of the source material makes it easily the best one available.
Do Peanut Butter make you gain weight ?
Moderation is the key. Above all, there is better nutrition, more energy and well-being when we eat moderately. There should also be sufficient physical activity every day.
What is the healthiest among peanut butters to eat?
All the flavours of Get is packed with protein and are rich in copper. In addition, it has oleic acid that is beneficial for the heart and a great source of anti-oxidants. In other words, you can make it your preferred choice any day.
Is there a honey-flavour peanut butter available?
Yes, there is. The Get Honey flavour has double the goodness – the freshness of Honey and the nut butter quality. The Honey flavour is unique to the Get brand. Make it an active part of your daily eats and even your bakes.
Is Cinnamon peanut butter available ?
Yes. One of the unique flavours of Get is Creamy Cinnamon.
What is the healthiest among natural peanut butters ?
Get Creamy Natural flavour has 100% natural goodness of peanuts. In other words, there is nothing standing between you and world-class quality.
Does Get use 100% Peanuts in their peanut butters ?
Peanuts are used to the extent of 100% in its Creamy Natural version.
Does peanut Butter come in Pineapple flavour ?
Yes, it does ! Get has launched it in creamy pineapple flavour for the first time.